We finally dedicated an entire show to sports! It’s been a while, but this...
Nothing can stop ProDoucher FunGus’s streak! Not even Nolan Ryan. Speaking of, is he...
The NFL has entered a new cycle and we’re talking about new storylines. Tom...
It’s another Lemon City Live Friday Night Happy Hour! We get our drink on...
It’s some trying times for the sports world. Our boy, Achilles joins us to...
We had to bring it back to our Miami roots, so we brought on...
The NBA is set to restart, but Kyrie Irving and others aren’t on board....
It’s another Lemon City Live Friday night Happy Hour! We can almost smell the...
We got the band back together! Tanard is back and we broke down the...
It’s an important time in our country’s history. Hopefully, it’ll be remembered as a...